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Chi tiết tạp chíNo. 2 2011

Age Patterns of First Marriage (The Provinces of Yen Bai, Thua Thien Hue and Tien Giang)

Tác giả: Nguyen Huu Minh

Trang: 3-21

Abstract: Based on a research overview on marriage topic in recent years and the data from the SIDA/SAREC funded Swedish-Vietnamese project on Rural Families in Transitional Vietnam (RDE05) by the Institute of Sociology in Vietnam and the Linkoping University in Sweden, the paper discusses age patterns of marriage in Cat Thinh commune (Yen Bai province), Phuoc Thanh commune (Tien Giang province) and Phu Da commune (Thua Thien Hue province). The article shows that marriage ages of men and women in the three surveyed areas have recently increased significantly compared to the previous decades. This trend is affected by socio-economic and political changes in the past few decades in Vietnam. Government policy, changes in norms and traditions have contributed to the changes in marriage patterns. The paper predicts that marriage ages may increase in the coming years since a longing for education and for getting new job opportunities outside of the agricultural sector will continue to encourage young people to put off their marriage plans.
Key words: Marriage Patterns; Marriage Age; First Marriage.

Migrants’ Access to Basic Social Services in Urban Vietnam: Current Situation, Issues and Solutions

Tác giả: Dang Nguyen Anh

Trang: 22-37

Abstract: Based on a qualitative assessment of the vulnerabilities that internal migrants face in Viet Nam, both in access to social services and the quality of the services, the paper aims to contribute to knowledge-based advocacy and policy activities around internal migrants in Viet Nam. According to the research findings, migration has become an integral part of the development process in Vietnam. It represents the increasing interaction between sectors, provinces and regions. However, it remains the least addressed part of development and market transition in Viet Nam. The lack of overarching policies governing urban migration has seriously hampered the formulation of effective measures to assist migrants and to enhance their roles in the national development. Laws and national policies and development strategies tend to ignore migration, or implicitly and explicitly aim to restrict migrants. Government policies fail to deter rural-to-urban migration. Flows of migrants to urban areas, industrial parks and export-processing zones, have been occurring on a large scale.
Keywords: Migration; Urban Migration; Migration Laws and Policies.

Understanding Resilience, Risk, and Protection in the Light of School Attendance and Dropout: a Comparative Cross-case Analysis of Qualitative Data in Vietnam

Tác giả: Vu Thi Thanh Huong

Trang: 38-50

Abstract: This paper asks the following question “Why do some children drop out halfway through school while others, with similar backgrounds and conditions, do not?”. A comparative cross-case study based on qualitative data collected from 12 children aged 16-17, their caregivers, friends, teachers and community people in two villages in Vietnam is used to examine the factors influencing children’s different pathways through high school. Using the resilience framework, both the risk and protective factors at the individual, family, friendship, and school levels pertaining to these high school attendees and drop-outs will be explored. The study suggests that the presence of certain protective factors might have helped some children overcome the adversity of their situation and continue high school, while the presence of certain risk factors might have discouraged other children, having contributed to their inability to develop resilience. Differences among gender and ethnic groups will be discussed and implications for parents and educators will also be drawn.
Key words: Children; School Dropout; Resilience; Risk; Protective Factors; Vietnam.

Vietnamese Youth and Sexual and Reproductive Health Education

Tác giả: Bui Thanh Xuan

Trang: 51-68

Abstract: The paper draws a sketch of Vietnamese youth’s perception, attitude, and practices on some sexual and reproductive health issues, current situation of sexual and reproductive health education for young people, strong and weak points of existing educational programs and projects on adolescent sexual and reproductive health, and some recommendations for better implementation of those programs. It suggests there should be a different approach in adolescent sexual and reproductive health education to provide youth with necessary information and skills, instead of blocking them from various outside influences. To do that, according to the author, more research on adolescent sexual and reproductive health should be added, peer education needs enhancing, youth-friendly services and counselling should be increased, and married/unmarried men and boys should be targeted in adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs.
Key words: Sexual and Reproductive Health; Sexual and Reproductive Health Education; Youth; Adolescents.

Comparing Violence Against Women’s Policy in the USA and Vietnam - The Implication for Social Worker

Tác giả: Nguyen Trung Hai

Trang: 69-79

Abstract: The paper analyses the policies specifically instituted in the USA and Vietnam to address domestic violence, namely the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in the USA and the Domestic Violence Prevention Act (DVPA) in Vietnam. As it finds out, the VAWA focuses more on helping women in their abusive relationship while domestic violence while the DVPA is concerned more about any actions which physically, psychologically and economically harm other members in the family. According to the author, the USA experiences can provide some references for Vietnamese advocates and social workers to find ways of obtaining the most effective interagency cooperation in the context of the Vietnamese sociopolitical structure. He adds it is worth it to learn from VAWA’s negative impacts amid the cooperation and collaboration of the multiple agencies involved with violence against women.
Key words: Domestic Violence against Women; The USA; Vietnam.