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Chi tiết tạp chíNo. 2 - 2019

The Role of the Family in Daily Care for the Elderly in Changing Rural Vietnam

Tác giả: Dang Thanh Nhan

Trang: 58-80

File toàn văn đính kèm: Tải về

Abstract: Using data from the two researches on elderly care in Vietnam, this article aims to evaluate the role of family members, especially women, in elderly care and find out the difficulties that families face in order to execute this care function nowadays. Moreover, this article determines which factors influence health care for the elderly by family members, at a time of major changes in the rural society in Vietnam.The research results show that the family plays an important role in elderly care and that women’s role is very preponderant. Family provides the elderly with mental-material and instrumental support (including housework and health care support in daily life and during sickness). Among the factors that influence elderly health care, are demographic and economic characteristics such as gender, age, education, health status, financial resource, living conditions, etc. All have a significant impact on the level of dependence to family.

Adapt to Aging through Intergenerational Self-Help Club: Case Study of Vietnam

Tác giả: Chu Viet Nga

Trang: 46-57

File toàn văn đính kèm: Tải về

Abstract: The speed of population aging in Vietnam is among the fastest ever projected, top five in the world according to United Nations Population Fund. Meanwhile, the country is still at developing stage, with low middle-income level. This combination of limited time and resources makes it harder for Vietnam to address demographic transition. The Vietnamese government has been learning from other countries’ experience, especially Japan. Nevertheless, the differences in social, economic situation, speed of the aging process and level of development suggest that Vietnam should also consider a tailored approach. Since 2006, the country has been implementing a community led model called Inter-generational Self-help Club (ISHC). The ISHC model has proved to be sustainable, comprehensive, affordable and effective. The model receives strong buy in from the government and the community and has been integrated into national programs and policies. The idea behind ISHC is to promote healthy and active aging. Through ISHCs, older people in specific and the whole community in general, are cared for and more importantly, promoted. As a result, older people’s image is improved. Their untapped abilities are harnessed to become agents of social development rather than passive beneficiaries. Many other developing and even developed countries have learned from Vietnam’s ISHC model to effectively adapt to aging.

Love and Marriage in the Rural North of Vietnam before Doi Moi

Tác giả: Nguyen Ha Dong

Trang: 30-45

File toàn văn đính kèm: Tải về

Abstract: The paper explores love and marriage in the rural North of Vietnam from 1976 to 1986 under the impact of individualism and collectivism using the data from the survey ‘The Northern rural family in the 1976-1986 period’ conducted by the Institute for Family and Gender Studies in 2018. The result shows that the traditional marriage pattern is transforming into a more modern one while the collective influences remarkably remain. The marriage pattern is the combination of traditional features with modern characteristics even though the former seems to be in favor of. The paper contributes more evidence for Triandis’s perspective (1995) that collectivism and individualism are able to parallel exist if having an appropriate combination. It is an effective w7ay to protect the harmony in the families and to adapt with the particular context of Vietnam before Doi Moi.

Household Budget Management and Decision-Making in the Family in the Red River Delta, Vietnam

Tác giả: Ngo Ngan Ha

Trang: 17-29

File toàn văn đính kèm: Tải về

Abstract: This paper provides an account of the perception of men in the Red River Delta (RRD) towards the management of the household budget and the decision making progress in the family based on the results of a doctoral thesis on fatherhood and masculinity. Women continued to be the ‘cashier’ in the family as they had been in the traditional Vietnamese society. The power to keep the money for the household also brought women the right to decide day-to-day expenditures. However, this did not mean that women were enjoying equality with men in financial matters. Although quantitative data showed a great sharing between spouses in deciding important matters of the family, information collected from interviews with men revealed rather different findings. Men reported ‘letting’ their wives control the family budget and decide small and routine purchases in order to stay away from housework and protect their masculinity. When it comes to other big purchases/investments and important decisions of the family, men reported that they were always the decision makers, whether their wives agreed with them or not.

Antenatal Care Visits Four Times or More of Women Aged 15-49: Situation, Trend, and Determinants from Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Analyses

Tác giả: Nguyen Huu Minh, Tran Thi Hong, Tran Quy Long

Trang: 3-16

File toàn văn đính kèm: Tải về

Abstract: While Viet Nam has been successful in achieving economic growth, poverty reduction and gender equality, the country cannot avoid exposure to a variety of disasters due to climate change, as it is among the most prone regions to disasters in the world. This paper will show that climate change and its impacts are not gender neutral and nor are its policies and actions. Because of prevailing gender inequalities, women are likely to be more affected than men. Sensitivity to climate change varies and is particularly strong amongst poorer, rural women, including those from ethnic minorities, who tend to rely on natural resources and climate-sensitive livelihood activities. Due to their gender-defined roles in society and traditional patterns of marginalization, women are amongst those that are likely to carry the heaviest burdens from these changes and benefit less the policies and programmes that address these, though they play a crucial role in Viet Nam. Not only do they comprise almost half of its population, but they also play important roles at the household level, in the rural and urban economies and in society as a whole. The paper also shows that women should not be seen as ‘victims’. They are also crucial actors in climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR), and their needs and knowledge should be used to inform the design, implementation, and monitoring of climate change and CCA/DRR policies.