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Chi tiết tạp chíNo. 1 - 2010

Vietnamese Women in Political Leadership: An Overview of the Situation

Tác giả: Le Thi Thuc

Trang: 3-26

Abstract: This article attempts to comprehend the status and power of women in Vietnamese political life. The first section of this paper presents briefly the political participation of women in history, providing background information to the current situation. The following section gives insights into the political leadership of women in the contemporary era of Vietnam’s current Government. Historical evidence shows that although having a matriarchal tradition and being active in various domains over time, women’s participation in the political/state affairs tended to be most outstanding during the war times. After the war, women tended to recede into the background of political life, and take up their ‘traditional’ responsibilities. Gender inequality in Vietnamese political leadership today is still a quite serious problem. Women’s political power is relatively restricted in comparison to that of men, in all levels and areas of the country’s contemporary political life. Keywords: Women, Policy, Political Participation, Gender Equality.

What does Migration Mean for Relations with Children and Spouses left-behind? Reflections from Young Married Men and Women on the Move in Vietnam

Tác giả: Catherine Locke, Nguyen Thi Ngan Hoa, Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam

Trang: 27-47

Abstract: Whilst newly-wed wives and young mothers have traditionally been ‘tied to the bamboo grove’ in Vietnam, today nearly as many young married women are migrating from rural to urban areas as young married men. This shift implies a radical break with conventional expectations of young married women as new daughters-in-law and as the mothers of young children. It is also closely related with changes in the expectations young married men have of their wives and of their own parenting roles. This paper uses qualitative life histories from 76 married male and female rural-to-urban migrants in their peak child-bearing years to explore their reflections on the impact of migration on their left-behind children and spouses. The migrants subscribe to social norms of family co-residence and justify their absence in terms of fulfilling their parental or marital roles and actively manage their parenting and marital roles in ways that are strongly gendered. Keywords: Women, Migration, Labour, Family Relationship, Childcare

Rural People’s Conception of Non-marital Sexual Relations

Tác giả: Tran Mai Huong

Trang: 48-63

Abstract: Drawing on results of the quantitative and qualitative survey (N=292), which was implemented in Phu Da commune, Phu Vang suburban district, Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam in 2005, this paper measures rural peasants’ attitude towards non-marital sex and compares it among social groups. Our findings show that rural people’s conception of premarital sex is more open than before. However, premarital sex without love or intention of marriage is severely opposed. Recently-married people and highly-educated people tend to be more open-minded about premarital sex. Those who have had premarital sex are more likely to adopt nonmarital sex. Fidelity, however, is still an important value in matrimony and family in the rural area. Attitude and behaviour towards premarital sex are a reliable criterion for measuring fidelity in matrimony. There still appears gender discrimination in nonmarital sex in the rural area, in which women are more restricted. Furthermore, the study indicates the trend of personalizing sexual activity, transforming from outside social control to inside family control. Keywords: Gender, Family, Sexual Relations, Premarital Sex, Rural.

Reviewing Vietnamese Masculinities

Tác giả: Vu Hong Phong

Trang: 64-78

Abstract: This review looks at different versions of Vietnamese masculinities as described in literature of social sciences. One major finding is that men belonging to the largest ethnic group, the Kinh, appear much more frequent than those from minority ethnic groups. Descriptions of Kinh men tend to be biased toward a single form of being man. Influenced by a public health paradigm that seeks out ‘at risk’ groups, many authors focus on ‘risky’ aspects of masculinity. Men with these aspects could be categorized into three types: the infidel man, the violent man, and the gay man. Keywords: Vietnam; Masculinity; Masculinities; Health; Homosexuality.

Website of the Institute for Family and Gender Studies

Tác giả: Pham Thi Hue

Trang: 80